How to Buy BiSwap ( BSW ) Coin !
Simple Step by Step Guide on how to buy BiSwap ( BSW ) Coin using Binance the world’s largest online Crypto Exchange with an optional sign up bonus of 100 USDT.

Buying BiSwap ( BSW ) Coin Using Binance.
Using this Link to receive a sign up bonus of 100 USDT or Going to Sign up for an account. To receive the Bonus you have to verify your account within 7 days which is explained on sign up.

Click on this link to sign up to Binance with the sign up Bonus.

Click on this link to sign up to Binance without the sign up Bonus.

Make a deposit either by depositing cash or by depositing Crypto.
You can deposit straight from your Credit or Debit Card or by Bank Transfer if your depositing Cash or you want to deposit Crypto from an external source.

Biswap Coin is BSW Token.
Click on the Markets Tab at the Bottom and using the search bar at the top, Search BSW, Click the n the desired Cryptocurrency Pair ie BSW / USDT , BSW / BNB then purchase your BSW.
Simple Step by Step Guide on how to buy BiSwap ( BSW ) Coin using Binance the world’s largest online Crypto Exchange with an optional sign up bonus of 100 USDT.
Buying BiSwap ( BSW ) Coin Using Binance.
Using this Link to receive a sign up bonus of 100 USDT or Going to Sign up for an account. To receive the Bonus you have to verify your account within 7 days which is explained on sign up.
Click on this link to sign up to Binance with the sign up Bonus.
Click on this link to sign up to Binance without the sign up Bonus.
Make a deposit either by depositing cash or by depositing Crypto.
You can deposit straight from your Credit or Debit Card or by Bank Transfer if your depositing Cash or you want to deposit Crypto from an external source.
Biswap Coin is BSW Token.
Click on the Markets Tab at the Bottom and using the search bar at the top, Search BSW, Click the n the desired Cryptocurrency Pair ie BSW / USDT , BSW / BNB then purchase your BSW.