Cardano (ADA)
A blockchain platform, the first to be founded on peer-reviewed research and developed through evidence-based methods.
Cash App
An app that allows direct peer-to-peer payment via your mobile device.
Proof-of-stake protocol upgrade for Ethereum designed to replace proof-of-work.
Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)
A digital currency issued and emissioned by the state central bank. CBDC is run and controlled by the central bank, as well as the digital network enabling its operations.
Chain Split
A permanent branching of the Bitcoin blockchain. Also, another word for ‘fork.’
Changpeng Zhao
(赵长鹏 in Chinese, also known as simply CZ) – A Chinese-Canadian business executive. He is the founder and CEO of Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange.
Cloud Mining
A hands-off way of earning cryptocurrency by renting computing power from third-party sources.
A store of digital value that lives on a blockchain or crypto network. Few blockchains have the same name for both the coin and the network, like Bitcoin. Others usually have different names, like the Stellar blockchain, which has a native coin called Lumen.
Coinbase Global, Inc. is an American cryptocurrency exchange. One of the most popular crypto exchanges.
Cold Storage
Also known as a Cold Wallet, which is a physical device that keeps your cryptocurrency completely offline.
Cold Wallet
A wallet that is not connected to the internet and stores your cryptocurrency completely offline.
Commodity backed cryptocurrency
A kind of Asset-Backed Token that is backed by commodity asset(s) like oil, gas, or gold.
Crypto Twitter (CT)
A large subculture of developers, startup founders, thinkers, bloggers, influencers, and speculators who tweet about Bitcoin, cryptocurrency, blockchain, and scams.
Crypto exchange
A platform that enables one to exchange digital currency to another or exchange a digital currency to a fiat currency.
A Singapore based cryptocurrency exchange.
A digital currency made to work as the way of exchange through digital systems and is not issued by an official authority such as the central bank or government.
The science that studies cryptographic protocols used to encrypt data over the blockchain networks.
Curve (CRV)
An Ethereum token that powers, a decentralized exchange and automated market maker protocol.
Someone who advocates the widespread use of strong cryptography and privacy-enhancing technologies as a route to social and political chan
Ethereum Virtual Machine is a virtual machine that facilitates smart contracts over the Ethereum network.
Entry and Exit Points
The point at which a trader or investor decides to buy (entry) or sell (exit) a particular cryptocurrency (or any other asset).
Ether (Ethereum)
The world’s second most popular cryptocurrency. Also one of the most well designed crypto protocols.
A platform that enables trading with cryptocurrencies.
A utility coin used to support the digital transformation of the global money market: from Fiat to crypto.
Fear uncertainty and doubt, cumulative feelings of market participants (or a group of them) that encourages them to sell, resulting in sufficient price decline.
Fiat Currency
A traditional (non-digital) currency issued by the government or central bank. Examples include: U.S. Dollar, British Pound, Euro, Chinese Yuan, Polish Zloty, Russian Ruble and other “paper currencies.”
Fiat Gateway
An exchange that allows users to deposit fiat currencies into their accounts.
A change in the blockchain network protocol (software update) or change to the basic set of rules within a blockchain.
A person who owns cryptocurrency but has not bought it himself. They are a holder of a FREE Coin.
Gas fees
Commission related fees that users pay to miners on a blockchain protocol to have their transaction included in the block.
Genesis Block
The very first block of cryptocurrency ever mined.
A minimal amount of the Ethereum currency used to pay fees for transactions on the Ethereum network. A single Gwei amounts to 10⁹ Wei or 10^-9 ETH.
It is an acronym for “Hold On for Dear Life,” which refers to a passive investment strategy by which people buy and hold onto cryptocurrency — instead of trading it — hoping that it increases in value.